ConKids: A research project on growing up in digital media environments
Children and young people today are growing up with a multitude of digital media offerings. There are always new devices and usage options that characterise the lives of adolescents and play a role in everyday life for families and schools. Girls and boys also use media to shape their relationships with others and to position themselves within their respective social groups and areas of life.

In our project, we are investigating how children and young people grow up in a mediatised world. We are interested in how their everyday media lives are shaped and how children and young people master important transitions for them. For this purpose, we have been following and interviewing families since 2018.
In order to investigate how the way children and young people grow up in connection with digital media changes, we conduct several interviews with the families over a longer period of time. In doing so, we want to gain insights into how family life changes over time and what significance the use of media has for shaping relationships between family members.
The research project is a cooperation between the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (Prof. Dr. Rudolf Kammerl) and the Leibniz Institute for Media Research I Hans-Bredow-Institut (Dr. Claudia Lampert) and is supported by the German Research Foundation.